
Hengyu Liu


Tianjin University

About Me

I'm a first year Ph.D. student at AIM group in The Chinese University of Hong Kong supervised by Prof. Yixuan Yuan. Before that, I received my B.E. degree at Tianjin University, where I have grad honor to work closely with Prof. Changqing Zhang and Prof. Pengfei Zhu.

I'm currently focusing on Computer Vision and Medical Image Analysis tasks, especially 3D Computer Vision and Video Generation.

Recent News

  • [2024.8] I start to pursue my Ph.D at CUHK.
  • [2024.7] I earn my Bachelor's degree in engineering.
  • [2024.6] Three papers (Video Gen + Few-shot 3D Recon + Efficient Recon for Endoscopy) have been accepted by MICCAI 2024.
  • [2024.1] I join AIM Group as a Research Assistant.


* denotes equal contribution; denotes corrsponding author
LGS: A Light-weight 4D Gaussian Splatting for Efficient Surgical Scene Reconstruction
Hengyu Liu*, Yifan Liu*, Chenxin Li*, Wuyang Li, Yixuan Yuan
MICCAI 2024 
Endora: Video Generation Models as Endoscopy Simulators
Chenxin Li*, Hengyu Liu*, Yifan Liu*, Brandon Y. Feng, Wuyang Li, Xinyu Liu, Zhen Chen, Jing Shao, Yixuan Yuan
MICCAI 2024 
EndoSparse: Real-Time Sparse View Synthesis of Endoscopic Scenes using Gaussian Splatting
Chenxin Li, Brandon Y. Feng, Yifan Liu, Hengyu Liu, Cheng Wang, Weihao Yu, Yixuan Yuan
MICCAI 2024 


College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University
B.E. in Artificial Intelligence 
From Sep. 2020 to Jul. 2024 
GPA: 3.93/4.00, Ranking: 1/69 
Supervisor: Prof. Changqing Zhang 
Dept. of EE, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ph.D. Student 
From Aug. 2024 to Aug. 2028(expected) 
Supervisor: Prof. Yixuan Yuan 


AIM Group, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research Assistant 
From Jan. 2024 to May. 2024 
Focusing: Medical Image Analysis 
Supervisor: Prof. Yixuan Yuan 
Zero Lab, Peking University
Research Intern 
From Feb. 2023 to Jun. 2023 
Focusing: Contrastive Learning 
Supervisor: Prof. Yisen Wang 


  • Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis of Tianjin University, 2024.
  • Outstanding Graduates of Tianjin University, 2024.
  • Kiyoshi Honda Speech Science Scholarship, 2023.
  • Outstanding Student of Tianjin University, 2022.
  • Huawei Smart Base Scholarship, 2022.